Today, any home or business can become infested with bed bugs.
When beg bug issues are present or there are concerns about having a bed bug infestation, getting a good night’s sleep is impossible. Knowing or thinking that you're being bitten and fed on while you sleep is stressful and scary.
A bed bug mattress cover will help ease this worry and solve the pest problem.
A bed bug mattress cover plays an important role in getting rid of bed bugs, whether safe insecticides, K9 Detection, Thermal, Cryonite, or a combination of these bed bug solutions are used to eliminate bed bugs.
First, throwing out a mattress that is infested or is thought to be infested, does not get rid of bed bugs.
Second, mattresses should never be directly treated with insecticides, period.
When it comes to getting rid of bedbugs for good, you need to contain the main source of infestation (the mattress) and cut off their feeding supply. This is done with a bed bug mattress cover. Properly encasing a mattress in a bedbug mattress cover prevents bed bugs from crawling off your mattress to infest other areas and it prevents bed bugs from getting onto your mattress to live, feed and reproduce. The bed bugs you have encased on your mattress will die over time. This usually takes one year, and the cover needs to remain fully sealed over this time.
If you don’t currently have bed bugs, using a quality bed bug mattress cover can help protect your mattress from a future possible infestation and will aid in minimizing a bed bug issue in case your home or business is exposed to them.
Bed bug mattress covers are not the same as a typical mattress cover, and not all bedbug mattress covers are the same. When buying a good bed bug mattress cover, look for a lab certified cover with an encased zipper. The zipper teeth should be tiny and there should be a seal that secures over the encased zipper (which is essential in preventing any entry or exit of bed bugs).
For high quality, lab certified bug mattress covers, call our office. We had an affordable assortment of bed bug mattress covers, pillow encasements and box spring covers available for purchase. Our covers have encased zippers (with small teeth), a seal to secure over the encased zipper, and no seams, pockets or folds. They are also flame-retardant, waterproof, hypoallergenic and crinkle-free to help you get a good night sleep.