Getting rid of ants involves finding and eliminating the ant nest (or nests, in larger infestations) and visable live ants. Nests may be located indoors or outside. There are many types of ants so it's important to understand the type of ant specifes that has infested a home or business, so that the right ant pest control solution can be identified and applied to resolve the issue.
Acrobat ants are around 1/8th inch in size and vary in color from yellowish brown to dark brown, with a darker coloured heart-shaped abdomen. They are distinguished from other ant species by a pair of spines found on the back edge of the middle section of their body (which can only been seen through magnification), and how they carry their abdomens in the air when disturbed. They live both indoors and outdoors and feed on other insects and sugars. When nesting outoors they are most commonly found in dead and decaying wood (stumps, logs or hallow tree cavities) or under leaf ltter. When indoors, they commonly nest in moist wood or other damp holes and even in foam insulating board. The find their way indoors through cracks and crevces around doors, windows and other entry points.
Carpenter ants are a common nuisance pest in Ontario. They invade homes and buildings in search of food and potential nesting sites. They are often found indoors in the winter. Whether nesting outdoors or indoors, they favour damp or moist areas, where wood is easiest to chew. They do not eat the wood, but use it to construct their nests. Carpenter ants range in size from 3mm and 13mm long. They can be solid black or black and red in colour. Common nesting sites indoors include door frames, window sills or around showers and tubs. Locating a carpenter ant nest can be challenging. Working with a pest control professional is the best way to get rid of carpenter ants
European fire ants are 4 to 5mm in length with red colouring and a darker coloured head. They are aggressive ants and possess a stinger at the end of their abdomen. Their waist has two segments and on their thorax are two spines which point backwards. If they feel threatened, they will defend their territory and readily sting a person or animal. A sting from a European fire any is similar to the feeling of a wasp or bee sting. European fire ant colonies range from 150,000 ants to 300,000 ants. They commonly nest in moist sunny areas like gardens and backyards, but can be found deep in soil, under stones, and under or inside fallen wood. Getting rid of European fire ants is best left to a pest control professional.
Pavement ants are a major pest in Ontario. They are small in size, between 2mm and 4mm, and range in colour from light brown to black. They are most commonly found grouped together around wall edges or food crumbs. Pavement ants favour greasy and sugary materials, but will feed on a wide variety of different foods. They commonly nest under sidewalks and driveways, but will also nest under stones, logs, boards, bricks and patio blocks. They pile the dirt removed from their nest in a mound on top of the pavement. When found nesting indoors, pavement ant nests are often in walls and insulation or under floors.
Pharaoh ants are an issue is all type of buildings.These ants mature from egg to adult quickly and colonies have multiple queens. Pharaoh ants are light yellow and tiny in size, typically 1mm to 2mm long. They favour nesting in ares that secluded, moist and warm, that provide easy access to food (proteins, sweets and fats). The most common nesting areas are behind baseboards, under carpets, and inside cabinet voids.